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Index Number Table
-5, 1: -5 Integers (#-5)
-5, 1: -5 Rational numbers (#-5)
-5, 2: -2.5000000000000000? Rational numbers (#-5/2)
-5, 3: -1.666666666666667? Rational numbers (#-5/3)
-5, 3: -1.666666666666667? Generalized Bernoulli numbers (#11,1,2)
-5, 4: -1.2500000000000000? Rational numbers (#-5/4)
-4, 1: -4 Integers (#-4)
-4, 1: -4 Rational numbers (#-4)
-4, 3: -1.333333333333334? Rational numbers (#-4/3)
-4, 5: -0.8000000000000000? Rational numbers (#-4/5)
-3, 1: -3 Integers (#-3)
-3, 1: -3 Rational numbers (#-3)
-3, 2: -1.5000000000000000? Rational numbers (#-3/2)
-3, 4: -0.75000000000000000? Rational numbers (#-3/4)
-3, 5: -0.6000000000000000? Rational numbers (#-3/5)
-2, 1: -2 Integers (#-2)
-2, 1: -2 Rational numbers (#-2)
-2, 1: -2 First known Mordell curves of given rank (#1,neg)
-2, 3: -0.6666666666666667? Rational numbers (#-2/3)
-2, 3: -0.6666666666666667? Generalized Bernoulli numbers (#5,1,2)
-2, 5: -0.4000000000000000? Rational numbers (#-2/5)
-1, 1: -1 Integers (#-1)
-1, 1: -1 Rational numbers (#-1)
-1, 1: -1 Generalized Bernoulli numbers (#7,1,2)
-1, 1: -1 $j$-invariants of elliptic curves over quadratic fields with everywhere good reduction (#-6916)
-1, 1: -1 First known Mordell curves of given rank (#0,neg)
-1, 2: -0.50000000000000000? Bernoulli numbers (#1)
-1, 2: -0.50000000000000000? Values of the Riemann zeta function at rational numbers (#0)
-1, 2: -0.50000000000000000? Rational numbers (#-1/2)
-1, 2: -0.50000000000000000? Generalized Bernoulli numbers (#4,3,1)
-1, 2: -0.50000000000000000? $\cos(\pi x)$ for rational $x$ (#2/3)
-1, 3: -0.3333333333333334? Rational numbers (#-1/3)
-1, 3: -0.3333333333333334? Generalized Bernoulli numbers (#3,1,2)
-1, 4: -0.25000000000000000? Rational numbers (#-1/4)
-1, 4: -0.25000000000000000? Values of the Hurwitz zeta function at pairs of rational numbers (#3/4,0)
-1, 5: -0.2000000000000000? Rational numbers (#-1/5)
0, 1: 0 Zero
0, 1: 0 Bernoulli numbers (#3)
0, 1: 0 Values of the Riemann zeta function at rational numbers (#-2)
0, 1: 0 Taylor coefficients of the completed Riemann zeta function at 1/2 (#a_n,1)
0, 1: 0 Local extrema of Bessel functions of the first kind $J_\alpha$ (#0,1)
0, 1: 0 Volume of the $d$-dimensional unit sphere (#-1)
0, 1: 0 Rational multiples of pi (#0)
0, 1: 0 Keiper-Li coefficients (#0)
0, 1: 0 Generalized Bernoulli numbers (#5,4,0)
0, 1: 0 $j$-invariants of elliptic curves over $\mathbb{Q}$ with good reduction outside $\{2, 3, 5\}$
0, 1: 0 $q$-expansion of the modular discriminant $\Delta$ (#0)
0, 1: 0 Rational singular moduli (#-3)
0, 1: 0 Number of elliptic curves over $\mathbb{Q}$ with good redution outside $S$ (#1,Q)
0, 1: 0 Values of the Hurwitz zeta function at pairs of rational numbers (#1/2,0)
0, 1: 0 Gegenbauer polynomials (#0,1)
1, 1: 1 One
1, 1: 1 Diagonal Ramsey numbers (#1)
1, 1: 1 Factorial of natural numbers (#0)
1, 1: 1 Bernoulli numbers (#0)
1, 1: 1 Area of the regular n-gon (#unit-s,4)
1, 1: 1 Pólya's random walk constants (#1)
1, 1: 1 Complete elliptic integral of the second kind $E(m)$ (#1)
1, 1: 1 Volume of the $d$-dimensional unit ball (#0)
1, 1: 1 Laurent series coefficients of the logarithmic derivative of the Riemann zeta function at 1 (#eta_n,-1)
1, 1: 1 $abc$-triples of high quality (#1.401189,a)
1, 1: 1 $j$-invariants of elliptic curves over quadratic fields with everywhere good reduction (#5181)
1, 1: 1 $q$-expansion of the $j$-invariant (#-1)
1, 1: 1 $q$-expansion of the modular discriminant $\Delta$ (#1)
1, 1: 1 $q$-expansion of the Eisenstein series $E_4$ (#0)
1, 1: 1 $q$-expansion of the Eisenstein series $E_6$ (#0)
1, 1: 1 Volume of the Platonic solids (#unit-a,cube)
1, 1: 1 First known Mordell curves of given rank (#0,pos)
1, 1: 1 Values of the Barnes $G$-function at rational numbers (#1)
1, 1: 1 Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind $T_n$ (#0)
1, 1: 1 Chebyshev polynomials of the second kind $U_n$ (#0)
1, 1: 1 Legendre polynomials (#0)
1, 1: 1 Laguerre polynomials (#0)
1, 1: 1 Hermite polynomials in physicist's convention (#0)
1, 1: 1 Hermite polynomials in probabilist's convention (#0)
1, 1: 1 Gegenbauer polynomials (#0,0)
1, 1: 1 Jacobi polynomials (#0,1,0)
1, 2: 0.50000000000000000? Rational numbers (#1/2)
1, 2: 0.50000000000000000? Generalized Bernoulli numbers (#2,1,0)
1, 2: 0.50000000000000000? $\cos(\pi x)$ for rational $x$ (#1/3)
1, 3: 0.3333333333333334? Rational numbers (#1/3)
1, 3: 0.3333333333333334? Generalized Bernoulli numbers (#6,1,0)
1, 4: 0.25000000000000000? Rational numbers (#1/4)
1, 4: 0.25000000000000000? Values of the Hurwitz zeta function at pairs of rational numbers (#1/4,0)
1, 5: 0.2000000000000000? Rational numbers (#1/5)
2, 1: 2 Integers (#2)
2, 1: 2 Diagonal Ramsey numbers (#2)
2, 1: 2 Factorial of natural numbers (#2)
2, 1: 2 Area of the regular n-gon (#unit-R,4)
2, 1: 2 Volume of the $d$-dimensional unit ball (#1)
2, 1: 2 Volume of the $d$-dimensional unit sphere (#0)
2, 1: 2 Rational numbers (#2)
2, 1: 2 Generalized Bernoulli numbers (#8,5,2)
2, 1: 2 $abc$-triples of high quality (#1.629911,a)
2, 1: 2 Number of elliptic curves over $\mathbb{Q}$ with good redution outside $S$ (#3,Qbar)
2, 1: 2 First known Mordell curves of given rank (#1,pos)
2, 1: 2 Values of the Barnes $G$-function at rational numbers (#4)
2, 3: 0.6666666666666667? Rational numbers (#2/3)
2, 3: 0.6666666666666667? Generalized Bernoulli numbers (#3,1,0)
2, 5: 0.4000000000000000? Rational numbers (#2/5)